Wydziału Elektrycznego
Politechniki Częstochowskiej
19 marzec 2019 roku o godz. 11.00
do auli Wydziału Elektrycznego

na seminarium naukowe, na którym

dr Iwan Solskyi
Kierownik Zakładu Fizyki i Technologii Kryształów Tlenkowych, Przedsiębiorstwo Badawczo Produkcyjne „Electron Carat”, Lwów oraz.

Prof. Mykola Vakiv
Dyrektor Generalny Przedsiębiorstwa Badawczo Produkcyjnego „Electron Carat”, Lwów.

wygłoszą referat

„Hodowla kryształów stosowanych w optoelektronice”

During the presentation, the progress in crystal growth technology will be presented. The company's achievements and examples of manufactured materials will be presented. Scientific Research Company “Carat” (SRC “Carat”) has been founded in 1972 at Ministry of Radioindustry of the former USSR as R&D Institute of Materials – the branch leading research institution on development of the newest electronic materials. Now the SRC “Carat” is leading Ukrainian scientific and technological industrial organization in the field of search, investigation, technology development and small scale production of the materials wide range for fabrication of opto-, micro- and functional electronic devices. It is also a directing scientific organization of the Ukrainian Ministry of Industrial Politics on electronic materials science. The SRC “Carat” has a status of the scientific organization, and part of its laboratories is a National Patrimony of Ukraine. One of the main direction of the Company’s department scientific and technological activities elaboration of technologies for growth of single crystal materials (both bulk and thin film ones), their mechanical processing and development of modern optoelectronic devices. These tasks are solving within the bounds of scientific and technological complex for development of optoelectronic materials and devices on their base.

Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Dudek, prof. PCz
Prodziekan ds. Nauki Wydziału Elektrycznego
Politechniki Częstochowskiej

Dr hab. Katarzyna Oźga, prof. PCz
Dziekan Wydziału Elektrycznego
Politechniki Częstochowskiej

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