Wydziału Elektrycznego
Politechniki Częstochowskiej
28 maja 2019 roku o godz. 10.15
do Auli Wydziału Elektrycznego na
na seminarium naukowe, na którym

Associate Professor PhD Volodymyr Yaskiv,
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National University, Ukraine
wygłosi referat

„Design of DC-DC converters
based on high frequency amplifiers”

The reliable operation of electronic equipment depends from the quality level of power supply systems. The essential advantages of switch power supply have spotted their using in this area of technique. The modem power supply should satisfy the following criteria:

  • ensure of functional parameters at activity of the disturbing factor;
  • efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • mass and dimensions;
  • cost.

Advances in low-loss magnetic materials continue to maintain an interest in a well founded power control technology - the magnetic amplifier (MagAmp). Numerous topologies for MagAmp regulator schemes were proposed. The main advantages of MagAmp are its simplicity and ruggedness. MagAmp can be controlled by relatively simple control circuitry and can provide good output regulation under wide load variations and have good dynamic characteristics. The lecture shall recapitulate the Author’s achievements and experience in the context of DC-DC converters based on magnetic amplifiers.

Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Dudek, prof. PCz
Prodziekan ds. Nauki Wydziału Elektrycznego
Politechniki Częstochowskiej

Dr hab. Katarzyna Oźga, prof. PCz
Dziekan Wydziału Elektrycznego
Politechniki Częstochowskiej

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